Thursday, December 20, 2012

GemStones Ring In Islam and sunat byDawateislam

انگوٹھی کے 19 مدنی پھول                                                                                          GEMSTONES RING IN ISLAM BY DAWATEISLAMI AMEER AHL SUNT 

Serach by :Rao Muhammad Imran (GemstonesExpert)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GemStone Ring Of Hazart Ali A..S and Topic About Ring In Islam

The Ring Of Lion Of God Imam Hazart Ali A.S. 
It is sunnah muakkadah for men & women to wear a ring/ rings on the right hand. There are several hadiths from our Imams recommending us to wear rings containing aqeeq & feeroza.

Some of these are:
Ma`adh has narrated on the authority of Imam `Ali saying: 
The one who wears an aqeeq ring, God grants him (literally: seals for him) the peace (al-amn) and faith.

Imam `Ali  has said: 
Wear aqeeq on your rings, you will be blessed and will be saved from afflictions. 

`Abul Mu'min al-Ansaaree reports that: " I heard Abu `Abdillah (Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq ) saying: 
'The hands that wears Firoza will not see poverty.' "
Reference: Shaykh al-Tabrasee, Makarimul Akhlaaq, Teheran, 1972, pp. 87-89.

Hilyatul Muttaqin, by Majlisi, chapter #2, page #14:
Janabe Salman Farsi states that the Prophet requested Imam Ali  to wear a ring on the right hand so that he may be listed among the Muqarrabeen (those near to Allah). The Imam asked the Prophet  as to who the Muqarrabeen were, to which the Prophet  replied Janabe Jibreel and Janabe Mikaiel. Then the Imam inquired as to which stone should he wear; the Prophet  replied Aqiq (carnelian), as this stone had accepted the Oneness of Allah, the Prophethood of the last Prophet, and the vicegerency of Ali ibne Abi Talib, and the heavens for Ali'sfriends and Shias.

The Imam Reza was once asked why the 1st Imamwore his ring on the right hand. The Imam replies that Imam Ali is the leader of the Ashabe Yameen, and the Ashabe Yameen are those whose records of actions will be given on the right hand. And secondly, the last Prophet also wore his rings on his right hand.

The Shia will be identified by these symbols:

•having the ring on the right hand
•praying 5 times a day at the right timings
•giving Zakat
•distributing among his religious brothers his belongings
•ordering good actions & keeping people away from evil

One should recite the following Dua, while wearing a ring.
'O Allah, let the signs of faith be the cause of my recognition. 
Let my end be worthwhile and let there be good for me even in the world to come. 
It is well-known that Thou are All Mighty, All Wise and All Generous.'

It is sunnat to have a silver ring. Wearing an iron, steel or brass ring is makrooh for both men & women. Therefore, according to Imam Ja'far Sadiq , the Prophet wore a silver ring. According to another tradition, the Prophetasked men not to wear an iron ring while praying & strictly prohibited the wearing of brass ring.

Imam Muhammad Taqi  stated that aqiq takes away the poverty & dissolves
differences in one's heart.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq  stated that aqiq brings safety while traveling.

According Imam Muhammad Taqi, wearing the ring of yakoot (ruby), stops worries.

According Imam Ali Reza, yakoot eases difficulties

Imam Ali Reza  stated that the ring of zaberjad (jade) eases difficulties. He also stated that the emerald ring turns poor into rich, and that whosoever wears a ring set with a yellow ruby will never become poor.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq  stated that those who wear a firoza (turquoise) ring, will never
become dependent.

Someone visited Imam Reza and noticed the Imamwearing a ring set in with
firoza with the following engraving:
'Lil Lahil Mulko' - Allah, Master of the Kingdom. (3:189).
As the person continued to stare, the Imam asked him what he was looking at,
to which he replied at the ring. The Imam asked him if recognized the
engraving, to which he said no. The Imam explained to the person that this
stone was brought down by Janabe Jibreel as a gift to the Prophet  from the
Heaven. The Prophet  gave it to the 1st Imam. Since then, it has been
carried down.

Imam Reza  stated that the Imam Ali once noticed the Prophet  came out of
his house with a ring of jaze yamani, while on their way to attend the Jamaat
prayers. After the prayers, the Prophet gave the ring to Imam Ali, and asked
him to have it on his right hand while he prayed, as a prayer with jaze yamani
is equal to 70 prayers without it. The stone is always praying & reciting
'La Illaha Illalah' & 'Subhanallah', and its rewards reaches the one who
wears it.

Someone had married but no children were conceived. The person went to Imam Muhammad Taqi  to obtain his advice. The Imam told him to wear a ring with firoza set in it with the following inscription:
'O My Lord! Leave me not alone (without an issue) though Thou are the best of
heirs.' (21:89)
Before the year ended, they were blessed with a son from the same wife.

The Prophet  stated that Allah finds it difficult not to listen to the prayers of those who have aqiq & firoza rings on their fingers, and feels hurt to negate their prayers.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq  stated on durre Najaf, that all the Momineen & Mominaat feel happy when they sight this stone, and the pain of their eyes is relived.

Imam Ali stated that he wants every momin to have 5 rings:

1.Yakoot is the best.
2.Aqiq as it is a stone which has affection for Allah & the Ahle Bayt.
3.Firoza gives strength to the eyes, expands the breast & strengthens the heart. Whenever a momin goes for some work with firoza ring on his finger, his work is done. 
4.Hadeed Cheeni should also be worn but not always. Only when one is afraid of some mischief then he should visit that environment with this ring, as it keeps the devil away.
5.Durre Najaf, which is found only in Najaf. When a person wears a ring of durre Najaf, at his every glance towards it, Allah gives him the reward of Ziyarat, Hajj & Umrah, which are kept in his record of action. The reward is equal to the rewards of the Prophets & the pious.

When Hazrat Ibrahim was about to be thrown into the pit of fire, Janabe Jibreel became upset. When Allah asked him about it, Janabe Jibreel then asked Allah why he had made Hazrat Ibrahim His friend, the only believer of Allah's oneness to face not only his enemies but also the enemies of Allah. Allah ordered Janabe Jibreel to be silent, and told him that a helpers person hastens his work like Jibreel and was afraid of loosing time. Hazrat Ibrahim is Allah's creature and can free him whenever He likes. After being comforted, Janabe Jibreel went to the Prophet and asked if he needed help. The Prophet said that he did not need his help. At that time, Allah sent an Emerald ring on which was engraved:
" There is no god but one Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, 
thereis no power and strength except with Allah, the Grand, the Great: 
I entrust my affairs unto Allah - Sufficient is for me Allah."
Allah then revealed to him that he should wear the ring which will cool the

The engraving on Prophet Muhammad's ring:
'There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.'

Engraving on Imam Ali's ring:
'Allah is the Master of the Kingdom.'

On Imam Hasaan:
'Al Izzato Lil Lahe - Verily, All honor (as a whole) belong (only) to Allah.' (4:139)

On the Imam Hussain:
'Innal Laha Baligho Amrehi - Verily Allah accomplishes His purpose' (65:3)

Imam Zain-al-abideen & Imam Mohammad Baqir wore the same ring as the 3rd Imam.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq :
'Allaho Waliyi Wa Ismati Min Khalqehi - Allah is my Master and He will safeguard me from His creatures.'

Imam Moosa Kazim:
'Hasbeyal Laho - Sufficient for me is Allah.' (9:129).

Imam Muhammad Baqir  stated that if a person possesses an aqiq ring and turns it towards his palm and then looks at it, and recites Sura Qadr (Chapter 97), then Allah keeps him protected the whole day, from trouble whether descended from heaven or earth & he will be protected until the evening by Allah, and Allah's friend who will guide him.

According to another Imam, one who wears a ring of aqiq with the following
Allah will then keep him from a horrible death, and he will remain on his faith.

Another etiquette of prayer is to put on a ring of firozeh &/or aqiq; it has been reported that Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted) has said:
"I feel ashamed to reject the supplication of a supplicant having a ring of Turquoise or Red Chalcedony upon his fingers."

Also Imam Ja' far Sadiq  has narrated:
"A hand with a Turquoise or Red-chalcedony ring raised in prayer is dearer before Allah than any other hand."

Imam Ali used to wear 4 rings on his hand -

•one of ruby (Yaqut) for beauty and dignity
•the second of Turquoise (Firuza) for obtaining Divine help and victory
•the third of Hadid Chini for strength
•the fourth of Aqiq to protect himself against enemies and all types of misfortunes

From a tradition from Bashir Dahhan
If a Shia wears a ring of even one of the three aqias, he will derive its benefits, his sustencance (rizq) will be increased, and he will be protected from dangers, disasters, misfortunes & accidents. It will also be a protection for him in frightening & terrifying circumstances, like facing the oppression of a tyrant.

It is highly commendable to wear a ring on the right hand, although some traditions do allow the ring to be worn on the left also. However, if the ring has any precious stone set in it, or has any holy engravings on it, it should be removed before going to the toilet or engaging in any activities where one's ritual purity will be affected.

It is best to get one with a "7irz" (amulet) of the 14 Infallibles on it. Obviously the best one is the Yemeni stone, as mentioned here, which is a very dark red ("liver coloured"). This ring guards and protects the dead person in his grave if it is put in his mouth (?) when he dies.

Imam Ali  said:

"Do not talk about knowledge with the foolish so that they deny you, nor with the ignorant so that they find you oppressive, but talk about it with those of its people whom you meet who will accept it and understand it.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq has said:

"There is no hand more beloved than one wearing a ring with agate raised towards God."

It has been reported on the authority of Imam Reza :

"Whoever wears a ring with an agate on it, firstly he will not become needy and secondly, what God has destined for him, will be good."

One day one of the associates of Imam Reza  along with a slave of governor passed by him. Imam Reza  said:

"Give him a ring with agate." The associates did so. They realized that man was never harmed in his life. Imam Reza  said:

"Having agate with you in trip, will safeguard you."

It has also been related on the authority of Imam Reza 

"Whoever wears a ring with agate in his right hand, if he reverts the agate toward the palm of his hand in the morning before any one sees him, and recites the Quranic Chapter, Qadr and then say: I believe in Allah who has no partner, and deny other god, but I believe in what is hidden from and manifest to the progeny of Mohammad  and I believe in their leadership, God will keep him safe on that day from the earthly and heavenly evils and keep him under His own protection and keep him under His own protection till night."

Imam Ali says:

"Wear a ring with agate so that God will give you blessings and you will be safe from evils."

A man came to the Holy Prophet  complaining of highwaymen. The Holy Prophet  said:

"Why weren't you wearing a ring with agate? This ring will safeguard man from all evil. Whoever wears a ring with agate will end up in god as long as he is wearing that ring and God will protect him forever. Whoever makes a ring with agate and the inscription: Mohammad, Messanger of Allah and Ali, friend of Allah, God will keep him from bad death and he will die a believer. No hand raised towards Allah is more beloved than a hand wearing a ring of agate. Should a man wearing a ring of agate draw lots, he will have a lion's share."

God created agate following prophet Moosa invocations in Mount Sinai and said:

"By Myself, I will not punish with Fire a hand wearing a ring of agate provided he believes in the leadership of Ali."

God has said:

"Performing two Rak'at of prayer with a ring of agate is equal to a thousand Rak'at without it."